FAQs for:

Common questions

What is USDC?

Issued by Circle, USDC is a stablecoin 100% backed by highly liquid cash and cash-equivalent assets, USDC is always redeemable for one (1) US dollar.

Why can’t I reverse my transaction?

Funds sent and received in MoneyGram Wallet are sent on the blockchain. Blockchain transactions are instant and irreversible.

Why can’t I send to my MoneyGram Wallet from the MoneyGram app?

Only verified users can receive funds to the MoneyGram Wallet from the MoneyGram app. View steps on how to become verified in the profile section of your Wallet app settings.

Someone I don’t know requested USDC from me. What should I do?

Never send USDC to someone you don’t know.

Can I buy other types of crypto using MoneyGram Wallet?

MoneyGram Wallet is a stablecoin wallet that currently only supports USDC. However, users in the USA have the ability to purchase other forms of cryptocurrency via the MoneyGram app.

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